






Om mig: Hello Xhamster! Some of you may remember us from a while back. We are so excited to be back! We took a while to work on us as a couple and put some puzzle pieces back where they needed to be in order to maintain a healthy relationship. We have been weighed, and we have been measured, we have been found.... Sound, strong and willing to stand the times together. We have missed some of the wilder things we love doing so we have chosen to reopen our page and commence to being our kinky selves and seeing the passion make a true comeback. RJ and I can't wait to see some of our old acquaintances and meet so many more new friends!<br/><br/>We aren't looking to hook up and/or swap out anything like that. Please don't even ask it. We are only allowing respect for our page to be what exists. with that said let's go get dirty and kinky. Can't wait to see what you all comment to our content!!! talk to everyone soon, til then happy kinking!!!!!<img alt="" class="blog-image size-large align-left" src="https://ic-ph-ah.xhcdn.com/a/MGYwOGNlOWUxYTU1N2M3M2MyNDdjNjA4YTY4ZDE3ZTk/webp/000/513/403/963_1000.jpg" data-id="513403963"><img alt="" class="blog-image align-center size-large" src="https://ic-ph-ah.xhcdn.com/a/MThkZDI5MmFmZmVkOTJiMmM3NzA3NzBlMGNhYjdiMmQ/webp/000/513/404/121_1000.jpg" data-id="513404121"><img alt="" class="blog-image align-center size-large" src="https://ic-ph-ah.xhcdn.com/a/MjRhY2VhNTRhN2Y3ZjdlYzk1OTg5ODI4YjRiNTE4ZWQ/webp/000/513/409/001_1000.jpg" data-id="513409001">

Om mig

Hello Xhamster! Some of you may remember us from a while back. We are so excited to be back! We took a while to work on us as a couple and put some puzzle pieces back where they needed to be in order to maintain a healthy relationship. We have been weighed, and we have been measured, we have been found.... Sound, strong and willing to stand the times together. We have missed some of the wilder things we love doing so we have chosen to reopen our page and commence to being our kinky selves and seeing the passion make a true comeback. RJ and I can't wait to see some of our old acquaintances and meet so many more new friends!<br/><br/>We aren't looking to hook up and/or swap out anything like that. Please don't even ask it. We are only allowing respect for our page to be what exists. with that said let's go get dirty and kinky. Can't wait to see what you all comment to our content!!! talk to everyone soon, til then happy kinking!!!!!<img alt="" class="blog-image size-large align-left" src="https://ic-ph-ah.xhcdn.com/a/MGYwOGNlOWUxYTU1N2M3M2MyNDdjNjA4YTY4ZDE3ZTk/webp/000/513/403/963_1000.jpg" data-id="513403963"><img alt="" class="blog-image align-center size-large" src="https://ic-ph-ah.xhcdn.com/a/MThkZDI5MmFmZmVkOTJiMmM3NzA3NzBlMGNhYjdiMmQ/webp/000/513/404/121_1000.jpg" data-id="513404121"><img alt="" class="blog-image align-center size-large" src="https://ic-ph-ah.xhcdn.com/a/MjRhY2VhNTRhN2Y3ZjdlYzk1OTg5ODI4YjRiNTE4ZWQ/webp/000/513/409/001_1000.jpg" data-id="513409001">
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The content available on xHamster may contain pornographic materials.

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